Social interaction graph.

From open data to social graph interaction model in the Flemish parliament.

The Federal Government wanted to have insights on the questions that are being asked by politicians in the parliament. Who is asking questions to whom? What is the question about?

social interaction graph

A social graph where people interact with one another.

In this particular case, the interaction is through the question. The politicians all have their experiences and skills, which were also modelled. 


Linked open data.

This project investigated how a graph model of metadata can assist in the data governance. We provided insights in social interactions and the questions that are being asked by politicians.


  • We built a graph model and a web application which allows journalists, whom were the original target clients, and other interested audiences to navigate the complex interactions amongst politicians and political parties.

  • Also for the Federal Government, a graph architecture was set up to manage open linked data. A lot of the public data is linked with other public data, and knowing where these data can be found is crucial for data governance.


“Dit project wil de transparantie en het begrip van de parlementaire activiteiten verhogen door middel van intuïtieve en flexibele visualisatie-instrumenten.”

— Jean-Charles Quertinmont, dienst administratieve vereenvoudiging

Read more about our case

Alles wat u wilt weten over parlementaire vragen aan de federale regering. - Cronos Public Services

Een duidelijk antwoord op al uw vragen We praten met Jean-Charles Quertinmont, projectverantwoordelijke van de website 'Vragen van het parlement aan de federale regering'. Via deze website kunt u de schriftelijke vragen van de leden van de Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers aan de federale regering (en de antwoorden hierop) analyseren en raadplegen voor de huidige legislatuur....